An Explanation

These posts are entries from my Moleskine Notebook, where my brain gets spilled a few times a day. I don't plan on posting every single entry, just things I feel like posting. These are uncensored, and very personal. There is a reason this blog is by invite only. Read at your own risk ;)

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

9-28-11 11:21am

I'm feeling blue
not like bluebirds or berries--
blue like THE blues.
like jazz,
& beautiful all at once.

I'm feeling expression--
getting my inner turmoil out on paper,
my disappointment,
my envy,
my green makes me blue.
Blue enough to sing my troubles away through
choked-back sobs,
my voice cracking as each wave hits
my heart--
each rip-tide pulling me out to sea.

I'm chained to this blue beach
but I'm restrained by myself only--
I hold the key,
but I stay just to see what will
happen to me.

I sing out to these waves,
my voice ebbs & flows like them
with the rhythm of my own
which grows stronger & weaker
as the moon changes his face over
the months of my exposure.
Pulling me close & pushing me back
as he pleases.

The moon is my heart-break,
my hurt,
my blue.
He listens to my song,
& returns to hear me more often
than he leaves.

He calls me a beauty,
but he doesn't want me--
he's so far above me in his
orbital of the galaxy.
He wouldn't force me to leave.

But I am not blue because he can't love me,
I'm blue because of me.
I'm a catastrophe.

11:40AM Samantha Weldon

I'm a beautiful disaster who exposes myself
to everything that hurts me
in the hopes that I will happen upon
someone that will love me.

I'm a breathing,
art installation
with my eyes fixed upon the
in hopes that I will find the
hope my heart can't see.

& I see blue.
Blue eyes coming down from their
blue skies
to rescue me from the blue
that has been crashing over
my identity.

He is everything my moon couldn't be,
& everything my blue soul needs
to become the kind of blue
like sapphires,
& the kind of beauty I
was meant to be--
the walking travesty
that I call "me".

Samantha Weldon